Attending church at the moment is a little different isn’t it!
If you are unable to attend a service, we would welcome you to consider our virtual service at 9.30am Sunday or watching a past sermon.
Attendance reminder: COVID Safe update
We ask you to stay at home if you:
- feel sick or unwell,
- have been in close contact with a known active case of COVID-19,
- have travelled overseas in the previous 14 days, or
- have been to a declared COVID-19 hotspot in the previous 14 days.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please instead join us on Virtual Church on our website.
We encourage you to:
- feel comfortable to wear a face mask in church services or gatherings for your own personal safety,
- maintain physical distancing (1.5m),
- wash your hands often using soap and water or hand sanitiser,
- sneeze or cough into you arm or a tissue (then put the tissue in the bin),
- vaccinate against COVID-19, including your third / fourth vaccination booster where eligible, and
- get tested if you have any COVID-19 symptoms (such as a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath).
From 1am on Thursday 14 April 2022:
- Face masks: While we are not generally required to wear face masks in church services/gatherings, please feel welcome to wear a face mask for your own personal safety. Masks are still recommended whenever you can’t socially distance yourself from others. Additionally, a diagnosed person who has been released from isolation, or a close contact who is released from quarantine, must for 7 full days from end of quarantine wear a face mask when outside the home – including preaching, leading services/singing, or working/volunteering in the church office.
- Food and drink: There are no restrictions for serving food and drink at church gatherings and other events.
- Hygiene: We ask you to be mindful of good personal and hand hygiene, including regular handwashing with soap, and using the provided hand sanitiser.
- Cleaning: The diocese recommends that parishes follow the COVID-19 cleaning guidelines provided by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, including ‘routine cleaning’ for areas which are used regularly. If areas have been used by a person with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection, those areas will be cleaned and disinfected.
- Contact tracing: You are no longer required to check-in using the Check In Qld app or QR code. We continue to record your attendance on arrival at church services, including for parish statistical purposes and fire safety reasons.
- Vaccination: Vaccinated and unvaccinated people are permitted to attend church services and gatherings. We are no longer required to check your vaccination status as an attendee or volunteer.
- Density limits: There are no occupant density restrictions for church services and other activities, including worship services, funerals, weddings (from 14 April 2022), parish pantries and op shops, events, and hall/building hires.
For more information please see the Diocese’s COVID-19 guidance and information page or check the Queensland Government’s Businesses, activities and undertakings | Health and wellbeing page.