You can help the environment and support St Stephen’s financially by collecting and depositing eligible containers as part of the ‘Container for Change’ scheme. Simply drop your containers into the ‘Container for Change’ bins located in the St Stephen’s Church car park, or take your containers to a local ‘Container for Change’ depot and quote or label your bag with the ID number C11437381 to direct your donation to St Stephen’s. St Stephen’s will get a 10 cent refund for every eligible container you return.

Eligible containers include

  • Plastic water bottles
  • Soft drink cans
  • Glass bottles
  • Beer, wine and spirit bottles
  • Fruit juice boxes
  • Fruit juice bottles (glass and plastic)
  • Flavoured milk contains

(lids should be removed from bottles)

Ineligible containers include:

  • Coffee cups and lids
  • Plain milk containers of all sizes
  • Cordial or syrup containers

Local depot locations include:

You can search here for a drop-off location near you.