Christmas events and services
We would love to celebrate Christmas with you and hope to see you at these gatherings.
Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday 24 December 2024, 5pm
A contemporary service for all ages, with well-loved Christmas carols. This service can be watched via the livestream.
Christmas Eve Service of Light
Tuesday 24 December 2024, 9pm
The service of light is a quiet, reflective service on Christmas Eve night, particularly helpful for those who find Christmas difficult. There will be an opportunity to remember those who are no longer with us and to have your loved ones name read out during the prayers. We recognise that Christmas can be a challenge for so many reasons and we are holding this space to sit in quiet, draw close to God and find peace.
Christmas Day Service
Wednesday 25 December 2024, 9.30am
A one-hour service celebrating the birth of Jesus, the long-awaited Saviour and King. This service can be watched via the livestream.