Concrete slabs being poured in the courtyard

St Stephen’s Hall and Forecourt Redevelopment Project

9 Dec 2018

This has been as especially busy week for the concrete subcontractor working on the courtyard slabs and at the garden bed foundations at the front of the church. If you haven’t had a chance in recent weeks, I’d encourage you to take a moment before or after the service to step onto the side balcony and take a look!

Inside the hall, our new beautiful kitchen is taking shape with handles now fitted and benchtop delivered for fitting next week. I am especially thankful for the attention to detail Cheryl Kotzur, supported by inputs from the rest of the Hall Committee, have given to this space.

Works undertaken by the builder this week

Concrete slabs in courtyard; drainage at front of church; drainage works under Kids Zone play area and north side of hall commenced; electrical switchboard fit out; commence VJ cladding installation to eastern wall.

Coming up this week

Continue VJ cladding; brick and blockwork for walls and garden beds at front of church; commence pavers in courtyard; prepare for driveway slab; shade sail manufacture (offsite).

New home for the coffee machine in the Hall kitchen
New home for the coffee machine in the Hall kitchen