7 October 2018
Hall and Forecourt Project update
You will know the saying “no pain, no gain.” Having the downstairs toilets out of action over the last few weeks has certainly been a pain but has been necessary to allow the plumbers to reconfigure the water supply for the building! (Toilets are back online this week! Hallelujah!) The next phase of the project, will see the builder starting to occupy the area in front of the church itself – please stay in touch with notices and announcements as access and safe areas may change from week to week. Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work toward the end goal.
Works undertaken this week by builder:
Complete northern retaining wall; construct footing and retaining wall in front of hall; place underlay to tile and vinyl areas; complete all services rough in; fix all wall noggings for handrails and other fixtures; commence lining walls and ceilings; relocate site fencing and temporary toilets.
Works undertaken this week by St Stephens and Hall Committee:
Coordinate adjustments to ramp geometry; record locations of underground services; commence planning for move back in to hall.
Coming up this week:
Underlay to amenities areas ongoing; demolish existing ramp and stairs adjacent bell tower; excavation for retaining wall footings for new ramp and landscape planter boxes; shade sail shop drawings (Note: excavation of Kids Zone play area has been delayed.)