12th August 2018
Work is commencing ….
- Work will begin Monday (13 August). The work area will be fenced off.
- The fenced areas are out of bounds and under the access control of the builder only. Parents please make sure your children are aware of this and don’t let them go into the fenced area.
- Parents of Sunday school children. From next week you will need to walk your child/children to Sunday School.
- The toilets in the hall upstairs will not be available. The toilets under the hall – the “green” toilets can be used.
- Temporary flushable, plumbed toilets will be placed at the front of church building.
- A temporary kitchen is being constructed under the Stephen’s Centre for Sunday School, Mon Homework Club, Thurs kids club, Fri Youth group, and after church morning teas etc. It will be up and running by next Sunday.
- Also there is the sink and electric jug in the vestry at the front of the church building for water and washing up. A small fridge will be in there this week.
- The top car cark will not be available.
- The drop off arrangements are being worked out – but keep an eye out for special instructions. If you normally use the top carpark please let the office know so we can specially keep you informed about arrangements.
- We have been in contact with the leaders of all church ministries and communicated with them. If you are a leader and do not know how the work will affect you, talk to/email Graeme (or the Office or Jeremy).
- We will keep you informed. We will make regular updates as to what is happening: via announcements at church, the noticeboard, through the website and Facebook.
- If you don’t get receive the bulletin by email, please provide your contact details.
- If you have any questions – please ask.
- Graeme our Parish Project Manager’s contact details are on the back of the bulletin and he can be contacted during the week by phone or email.
- Don’t stop coming to church and activities because of the hall project!
- We look forward once the project is completed to having disabled parking in front of the church building, a good drop off driveway, disabled ramp from the church building to the hall, the area in front of the church to the front of the hall fenced making it safer for children, new toilets in the hall, a disabled toilet in the hall, a new kitchen in the hall, etc.
- The completed hall and forecourt will provide more opportunities for ministry and connecting with the community.
- As a church we want to make disciples of Jesus and grow disciples of Jesus to glorify God.