19 August 2018
Works have started in earnest!
A reminder to keep outside the fenced work area – please assist our parents by keeping a community minded eye out for the safety of our children during this period. Parents of Sunday School children please walk your children to Sunday School.
Please speak with Graeme or Jeremy if you are planning to be on site on Tuesday afternoon when asbestos removal will be taking place from the Hall.
Works undertaken this week by builder:
Internal demolition of kitchen cabinets, bathrooms and stage. Deep excavation at corner of hall along the northern boundary for new retaining walls.
Works undertaken this week by St Stephens Committee:
Relocation of Little Lambs to church; plumbing and electrical services to temporary kitchen in progress; relocation of Church sign and letter box.
Coming up this week:
Asbestos removal (Tuesday afternoon); commence wall framing to northern wall of Hall kitchen; complete excavation for retaining walls on northern boundary.
Pray that this project will be a blessing to many lives in the future.