After much prayer and consultation across the family I have reached the decision to re-launch our evening service to a new time and a new format. The essence of who we are will not change but we are taking this opportunity to refocus and recast the vision of what we are doing with the evening service.
1.Changing time. having spent much time talking with many people this seems to be a better time to fit in with most people’s days and evening. There are also many from the morning service have found it hard to commit to any service due to other commitments and therefore struggle to build relationship. This will give you the chance to commit to this new service and become part of something new and deepen your relationships in the church family.
2. A new name will inspire us towards a new focus and new hope, whilst still being part of the larger St Stephen’s Family. Revelation 21 paints a wonderful prophetic image of what we live for through Hope as we await the return of Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom.
3.New format and setting, in recent times the evening service started to be the fragile little brother of the morning family service, I believe it is time for the evening service to emerge from the shadows and establish itself, not in competition but in solidarity as a strong, committed community.
Prayer. I want to ask the whole church family to pray. Pray for this service, pray as we step out in faith and try something new as we seek to install new life into this service. Will you daily pray for this service
People. We need people to commit to this service and make a conscious decision to become part of this community and make a priority of gathering together. I am asking you to prayerfully consider whether this service is truly your home and if so to make a covenant with God that for the next 8 months you will do all you can to come along and also invite new people. Not because we are all about numbers but because as a church we exist for those who don’t yet know Jesus as their Lord and saviour. We are looking for 40 people to commit to regularly attend and serve this service for till June 2016
Participation. For the family to function, everyone needs to chip in so we are going to need. We are going to need people a week to help run and set up the service, so please pray about being involved.
To our evening church family even if briefly- praying for you all as you launch into this new beginning!
What time will it be Josh?