The Bible Explained

A 16-week study series exploring the history and meaning of the Bible. This course is suitable for both new and mature Christians.

Mondays, 7-8.30 pm
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, 343 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo

Cost: $25 per person (includes workbook, as well as a copy of the video presentations on USB or DVD).

Register online, or contact the Church Office to register:
email or phone 3397 0555.
(Register by 22 January 2024.)

Each session will include a 30-minute video presentation and a 30-minute group discussion based on the video content, followed by an optional time of prayer and supper.

Program – Term 1
5 February (week 1)
12 February (week 2)
19 February (week 3)
26 February (week 4)
4 March (week 5)
11 March (week 6)
18 March (week 7)
25 March (week 8)

Program – Term 2
15 April (week 9)
22 April (week 10)
29 April (week 11)
6 May (week 12) – no session due to the Public Holiday
13 May (week 13)
20 May (week 14)
27 May (week 15)
3 June (week 16)

About the facilitator
The study series will be facilitated by The Rev’d Michael Bennett, who is an experienced Bible teacher and speaker in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland.

Some comments from Michael:

“Let’s face it, the Bible is a long and complicated book. As the world’s best-selling book, you may feel it must have something to say to your life, but accessing the message is not easy. You may have been a believer for a long time, but have little idea of the Big Picture.”

“I will seek to give you the Big Picture. By the end, you will have a summary of both the history and meaning of the Bible on one sheet of A4 paper. I believe your view of, and love for, God, will never be the same.”