Goodbye stairs!

St Stephen’s Hall and Forecourt Redevelopment Project

14 October 2018

Hall and Forecourt Project update

This week sees some major changes to how we access the church. These changes will remain in effect for much of the remainder of the project until completion in early February. Please listen out for notices about changing access – we will try to give as much forward notice as possible.

If you are someone who relies on the front driveway for drop off, please familiarise yourself with the changes that will take effect from next week. If you are able to provide assistance to those with mobility needs before or after services, please contact Graeme or the office.

Works undertaken this week by builder:

Flushing of joints to plasterboard wall lining in kitchen, meeting rooms and store rooms; tile underlay; backfill soil to wall in front of hall; demolition of stairs and ramp and slab at bell tower; trimming ground levels for courtyard; excavation for wall footings and underground electrical conduits; offsite fabrication of electrical switchboards, windows and joinery.

Works undertaken this week by St Stephens and Hall Committee:

Reporting to Parish Council; meeting with builder and architect; coordinate access changes; review and adjust interior and exterior finishes.

Coming up this week:

Footings for courtyard walls and planter boxes; internal painting commences; carpets to meeting rooms